O.K. I have 6 kids and as of this date (12/12/09) I am 44 years of age and 40 pounds over weight. I love being a mom but I do not, repeat, do not want to look like one anymore! I'm getting older but I refuse to be fat and frumpy. You Dear Reader will help keep me accountable so that I do not quit. I welcome your comments and encouragement. I've already set my feet on the road to good health. Track with me my friend...I need the company.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 89...Surrender Is NEVER An Option (Or... She Finally Has A Waist)

Dear Reader,

This is my last blog on my weight loss journey, so let me leave you with this.

I had a dear and close friend who was obese. I'll never forget the day that she said,

"Why not eat what you want? I'd rather be fat and happy"

She'd been fighting the battle of the bulge for years before she sadly settled for obesity.

Big and Beautiful models are the backlash of our society being obsessed with the size 2 models and actresses. I understand all to well the feeling of inadequacy that comes with never measuring up to the standards of the beauty industry. However settling for being overweight and all the health problems associated with obesity is not an option.

You can tell people are getting old when they start losing the taste for the battle. When we start making peace with the enemy instead of conquering it's because our standards, our convictions, have been compromised. It's at that point you hear people say things like, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." or "Yes I know, but you gotta use wisdom."

Don't ever give up the fight Dear Heart. Yes, I know it's hard. Yes, I know you've tried a thousand times. But this next time could be your victory. Don't lose heart. Try again!

For 13 years I struggled with getting up at 5 am to pray. 7 am was the best I can do. This year, my 14th year of praying that God would help me get out of bed, I began to get up between 5-6 am to seek the Lord. Most times it's 5 am. If I had given up at 12 years and 364 days I never would have seen my break through. This taught me to never stop trying in anything I do.

I remember my brother being quoted years ago in a Golden Gloves fight. After he won the fight he told the reporter, "He was going to have to kill me to beat me." That has stuck with me all these years and it's in my heart as well.

Whatever it takes to make you quit is the measure of who you are. Raise the standard Dear Heart.

What if I never conquer this?

It's better to go to your grave fighting then running from the battle field. It's better to raise a bloody, defiant fist in the air then the white flag of surrender.

Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, low-self esteem, depression, anger, getting old before your time, etc... The price is to high to quit trying.

Jesus, please help this Dear One to seek Your strength when they are weak, Your grace when they feel it's impossible, Your love when they feel alone in the battle. Help them to not be angry because of what they cannot eat and rejoice in every step they make towards good health. Help them to choose life with every bite and to eat with thankful hearts. Remind my brother, my sister, they are not alone. You will help them and You will never leave nor forsake them. They are more than conquers through you O Lord. Amen

Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

Here are the victory stats:
Began 12/11/09 at 167 pounds

Inches- Lost a total of 16 5/8 inches

Health-decrease in Asthma meds...most joint pain gone

Current weight 144.2

Work out:
P90X (Plyometrics) and Pilates 3 days a week. Running when the weather is nice.

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