O.K. I have 6 kids and as of this date (12/12/09) I am 44 years of age and 40 pounds over weight. I love being a mom but I do not, repeat, do not want to look like one anymore! I'm getting older but I refuse to be fat and frumpy. You Dear Reader will help keep me accountable so that I do not quit. I welcome your comments and encouragement. I've already set my feet on the road to good health. Track with me my friend...I need the company.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

It;s a WEB Party!!

Mary Kay Web Party

I would like to invite you to attend my Mary Kay Web party!!!

Help me get a FREE MIRACLE SET valued at $90!

It kicks off NOVEMBER 25TH (YEP, BLACK FRIDAY.) and ends Saturday DECEMBER 3 at MIDNIGHT.

Anyone who shops on BLACK FRIDAY gets their purchase TAX FREE!!

You have 9 DAYS to log on and join the party. Just log on, register, and *pay online.

Every purchase of at least $40 gets a FREE MARY KAY GIFT from my consultant.

To attend, log on and register at www.marykay.com/laurenjohnston
You can scan the online catalog or simply click on whatever you are interested in buying. There is also a virtual makeover program that is lots of fun. Just upload your picture and try on some makeup before you buy.

Remember to make your purchase within the above time frame and include my name, Elisabeth Welpman, in the comments section. As your "hostess" I get credit when you make a purchase.
Please contact my consultant, Lauren Johnston, with any questions. Her information is at the bottom of this letter.

"See" you at the party!

*Secure online pay
**Guests outside of the Columbia Missouri area please contact Lauren Johnston to discuss shipping.

Lauren A. Johnston
(913) 287-5767
Visit my Web site at http://www.marykay.com/LaurenJohnsto

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Have a Merry Mary Kay Christmas!

Merry Christmas to the Best Mary Kay Clients!

Christmas is drawing nearer and I am so excited and grateful for the orders that have been coming in.

Thanks to everyone for making me your Mary Kay Consultant. Your business is a blessing.

For Christmas this year I am offering 3 specials for everyone that gets their paid orders into me by December 13th.

1) Fragrances... Belara, Bella Belara, Velocity, Thinking of You, and Journey are all BUY ONE GET SECOND ONE 1/2 OFF. **The discount will be taken on whichever cologne costs the least.

2) All skincare and Satin Hands is 15% off. Cosmetics (Foundation, mascara, lip and cheek colors, powder) are 10% off.

3) EARN your order at my cost...50% OFF!!
a. Take orders from your friends, family, and coworkers totaling $250 (that's 10 orders at $25 each or 5 orders at $50 each) add tax at 7.55% and collect the money.
b. When I have your paid order you can then order whatever you want at my cost. I get 50% off the retail cost. Please take note that I pay tax on the retail.
c. Please contact me if you want to take advantage of this discount and we will work out delivery. I can get a brochure to you.

4) I can help with FREE gift bagging.

**Email coming with Stocking Stuffer information.

Lauren A. Johnston
Independent Beauty Consultant

Monday, July 5, 2010

Hi Ladies!

I just wanted to share some fabulous news with you today.

This Wednesday, one of the hottest days of the year, I decided to cut my son's hair outside. It wasn't long before sweat began to run down my face. I didn't want to wipe it off because I had just put on my makeup.

When the haircut was over I ran into the house to check my makeup. I was so excited to find that under the sweat my makeup was still flawless. I got a towel and blotted my face dry and the makeup had not budged.

What was I wearing? The Mineral Powder Foundation! I originally used the Medium Coverage Foundation and I love it. But I found that because I need extra coverage (due to almost 20 years of adult acne) I use a light layer of the Medium coverage and then apply the Mineral Powder. It wears all day needing only a light touch up in the early evening.

***Those of you who love Mineral Powder Foundation but use another brand that requires the Veil, might be interested to know that the reason for the veil is because the sunscreen (titanium dioxide) in the product makes the foundation look chalky and ashy, so the reflective veil to takes away the chalkiness. Our mineral veil is included in the powder; no need for an extra step. Or the extra expense.

Here's the fun part!!!

Make a purchase of the Mineral Powder Foundation and I will take 15% off your total! The foundation is $18 and the brush (a one time purchase if you don't have one) is $10...$28 total before discount and tax.

If you prefer the Medium coverage foundation you get 10% off.

If you're like me and love both together I'll take 15% off both products! Your total before the tax and the discount is...

Mineral Powder Foundation $18
Brush $10
Medium Coverage $14
Total $42

Shop online 24/7 at my website www.marykay.com/laurenjohnston or place your order over the phone.

This sale ends Monday 8/9/10 at midnight so hurry and stock up now!

Lauren Johnston
Independent Beauty Consultant


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 89...Surrender Is NEVER An Option (Or... She Finally Has A Waist)

Dear Reader,

This is my last blog on my weight loss journey, so let me leave you with this.

I had a dear and close friend who was obese. I'll never forget the day that she said,

"Why not eat what you want? I'd rather be fat and happy"

She'd been fighting the battle of the bulge for years before she sadly settled for obesity.

Big and Beautiful models are the backlash of our society being obsessed with the size 2 models and actresses. I understand all to well the feeling of inadequacy that comes with never measuring up to the standards of the beauty industry. However settling for being overweight and all the health problems associated with obesity is not an option.

You can tell people are getting old when they start losing the taste for the battle. When we start making peace with the enemy instead of conquering it's because our standards, our convictions, have been compromised. It's at that point you hear people say things like, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." or "Yes I know, but you gotta use wisdom."

Don't ever give up the fight Dear Heart. Yes, I know it's hard. Yes, I know you've tried a thousand times. But this next time could be your victory. Don't lose heart. Try again!

For 13 years I struggled with getting up at 5 am to pray. 7 am was the best I can do. This year, my 14th year of praying that God would help me get out of bed, I began to get up between 5-6 am to seek the Lord. Most times it's 5 am. If I had given up at 12 years and 364 days I never would have seen my break through. This taught me to never stop trying in anything I do.

I remember my brother being quoted years ago in a Golden Gloves fight. After he won the fight he told the reporter, "He was going to have to kill me to beat me." That has stuck with me all these years and it's in my heart as well.

Whatever it takes to make you quit is the measure of who you are. Raise the standard Dear Heart.

What if I never conquer this?

It's better to go to your grave fighting then running from the battle field. It's better to raise a bloody, defiant fist in the air then the white flag of surrender.

Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, low-self esteem, depression, anger, getting old before your time, etc... The price is to high to quit trying.

Jesus, please help this Dear One to seek Your strength when they are weak, Your grace when they feel it's impossible, Your love when they feel alone in the battle. Help them to not be angry because of what they cannot eat and rejoice in every step they make towards good health. Help them to choose life with every bite and to eat with thankful hearts. Remind my brother, my sister, they are not alone. You will help them and You will never leave nor forsake them. They are more than conquers through you O Lord. Amen

Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

Here are the victory stats:
Began 12/11/09 at 167 pounds

Inches- Lost a total of 16 5/8 inches

Health-decrease in Asthma meds...most joint pain gone

Current weight 144.2

Work out:
P90X (Plyometrics) and Pilates 3 days a week. Running when the weather is nice.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 74...The First Step

Dear Reader,
As of today the second month of the New Year is nearly done and I dare say most of us who made New Year's Resolutions to lose weight and or choose a healthier life style, have either laid those resolutions aside or never actually got started. The danger in this is we can procrastinate (with good intentions mind you) all the way to 2011 where we begin the vicious cycle all over again. I know. I've been there.

May I say it's not too late.

Oh I know there are a billion things that seem more important right now. I also know the resistance that comes anytime we try to stop living to eat instead of eating to live. But you can do it. You are just a decision away.

I've heard it said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. Just one step towards freedom...just one step towards good health...just one step towards not feeling FAT.

Is it easy? Hah! Ask Donald Trump if becoming a billionaire was easy. Ask Thomas Edison if creating the light bulb (after over 1000 failures) was easy. Anything worth doing in life is never easy. You just have to determine if it's worth it.

Compare your life the way it is now to the way you'ld love it to be. Wouldn't you love to take less medication because your healthy eating is healing your body? How about wearing attractive clothes again? How about climbing stairs without losing your breath or your joints screaming in pain. How about no longer dealing with the guilt and shame that overeating brings?

Just one step...one decision and you can start down the path to an abundant life.

Will it cost you? Yes it will. But you and your body are worth the investment and sacrifice it takes to overcome where you are now.

I encourage you to stop telling yourself it can't be done and you'll always be this way. The devil is a liar. You do not always have to be this way.

Oh, I can hear all the buts. But I've tried countless times and failed. But it's so hard. But I have so little self control. But I'm the one who shops and cooks. But I'm too old and set in my ways. But I'm too young and just want to have fun.

Dear Heart get your big but out of the way and go for it...take a chance...try AGAIN! Not just once, but over and over until you can do what it takes to conquer this. You're not a quitter. You are victorious!

I averaged a weight-loss of 2.7 pounds a week since mid-December 2009. The program I'm on promises 2-5 pounds a week for those who follow it to the letter. Is 2.7 pounds pretty good? Sure, but I'm pushing for the high end. I'm conquering years of mind sets that have held me down for too long. If I can do it so can you.

God believes in you and so do I.

Lord please give strength to this reader to overcome food bandages. Give my brother, my sister courage to take that first step towards victory. Help them to not give in to hopelessness. You are for them and not against them. You desire to give them a future and a hope. May they put their lives, health, and choices in Your hands. In the name of Jesus...Amen.

Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

My coaches are great...for more information about Take Shape For Life go to www.iwanttohelp.tsfl.com

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 63...Obsession

Dear Reader,

Took a mini sabbatical and in the midst of it I discovered somethings I don't mind sharing. But first things first.

Last weigh-in: 152 Today: 144.6

My personality tends to lean towards extremism.

It's been 2 months since I started Take Shape For Life. If you have been following this blog you know that losing weight is important, but dealing with the real me is more important. I believe nothing of true and lasting value happens until you deal with YOU and nothing gets done until you remove the excuses.

I'm not talking about naval gazing. Obsessing over every imperfection is just as dangerous as denial. Going back to your childhood and analyzing every hurt to find excuses for your current behavior is self defeating.

I'm talking about recognizing your weaknesses, owning up to them, and changing what can be changed. There are weaknesses that just are and will always be. But what I can't change I can certainly work around. For instance, one may have a terrible memory, but that can't be an excuse for not getting things done. Work around that terrible memory with post-it notes, planners, cell phone reminders, whatever it takes.

What does this have to do with losing weight? EVERYTHING!!!

I have found that I carry an obsession with food. I love food! I love new recipes, texture, color, and layers of flavor. I love smell, taste, crunch. I eat when I'm happy, sad, discouraged...(when I'm angry I clean) I talk about food constantly. Every celebration is surrounded by food! Even my friends have noted how much I talk about food.

During my sabbatical I put away the scale so I wouldn't be so concerned about my weight. I still spent most of the time thinking about how, when it was over, my husband and I were going to celebrate our anniversary with food.

I think about food more than God. This is my weakness.

What you think (obsess about) is what you eventually will do. I can do all the right things concerning eating plans and schedules, nutrition, and exercise, but if my mind is daily filled with nothing but cheese cake, cheese burgers, and triple cheese pizza then I can expect a cheese binge somewhere in the near future.

Left to myself I will fantasize about food. But if I'm willing to make some effort I can certainly work around this weakness by doing the following...

1) I read along time ago it is impossible to just stop thinking about a thing. However you can replace a thought with another thought. It's really a sin that Jesus takes a back seat to food in my thoughts. So meditating on scripture will help me focus on Him.

2) Organize my food life. I am responsible for shopping, meal planning, cooking. It's said that those who fail to plan plan to fail. Having grocery lists made up to go along with weekly menus will cut down on the amount of time I have to think about and meals for my family. Also it will cut down the amount of time I spend at the market.

3) Take time to enjoy my food when I am eating. Food is not a sin or something to be afraid of. When I am eating I need to allow the enjoyment it brings.

4) Eat to live not live to eat. If I'm not hungry why eat?

5) Drink water. Lots.

6) Stay accountable. You will not believe how this blog helps me not to jump overboard. Knowing I have to be honest to you keeps me from quitting.

Now this is all easier said than done. So feel free to pray for me. I still appreciate all the encouragement. If you have any other ideas to help me take my mind off food send them in. Better yet...why don't you join me?

Until Next Time,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 55...The Top 10

Dear Reader,
It's been about 7 days since I've last written. (For Ladies Only!!!)
Today I just want to share the top 10 things I've learned since I started changing my eating...

1. I'm really blessed by the many people who are so supportive. The encouragement, advice, prayers, and nice comments have been numerous.

2. Every now and then you'll meet someone who is not supportive. Jealousy looms it's head in the strangest places. Meet it with grace and mercy.

3. Fail forward. I never knew I was a perfectionist. Perfectionists want to do everything perfectly, with nooooo mistakes. They will either never attempt something for fear of failure or they make everyone around them miserable as they attend to every detail with painstaking perfection. In the past I'd drop every diet I made a mistake with, figuring since I failed what's the point. My husband and I are both learning it's OK to fail. Just learn and keep going.

4. Forgive yourself.

6. Women never weigh in when you're bloating.

7. When you plateau on the weight scale use the tape measure or check your clothes.

8. When dieting it's easy to become self centered. Get your eyeballs off yourself! Don't be obsessed with your weight loss and how you look. Vanity is very unattractive.

9. Don't worry, after awhile people will get used to the new you and stop commenting on how much weight you've lost. In the meantime smile.

10. You are not what you weigh.

Back in a few days.

Oh yeah, no weigh in. I'm avoiding the scale for 10 days.
God Bless Everyone,