O.K. I have 6 kids and as of this date (12/12/09) I am 44 years of age and 40 pounds over weight. I love being a mom but I do not, repeat, do not want to look like one anymore! I'm getting older but I refuse to be fat and frumpy. You Dear Reader will help keep me accountable so that I do not quit. I welcome your comments and encouragement. I've already set my feet on the road to good health. Track with me my friend...I need the company.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 1...Good Grief Woman Where's Your Waist?

Dear Reader,

I am so glad you've chosen to join me! Let me begin by saying if you are out of shape or overweight and desire to make a change you've come to the right place. Through this Blog I've made myself accountable to the reader...I can't quit without losing face. So really you are helping me. But I also hope that by being transparent I can help you to see that even though success is difficult it's attainable.

I will blog daily for 3-7 days and then weekly after that. I will share my stats, progress, and failures with you. Please comment if you want to join me and would like to share your own successes and failures. I would love to share them with my audience.

A little history. I am a wife and mother of 6. Since 1996
I have spent 11 years alternating between nursing (average 18 months each child) and being pregnant (9 months). Every time I started exercising and losing weight I got pregnant.

We had our last child 2 years ago and this month a friend blessed me with the money to start a health program called Medifast. It requires that I eat small meals loaded with all the carbs and protein (as well as vitamins) I need each day, 6 times a day.


weight 172 pounds

This morning started out great. I received my box from TSFL (Take Shape Fpr Life) that included the food I ordered as well as a book on health and the system. I began a journal and wrote out my menu for the next 3 days.

I stayed on my schedule, eating every 2 1/2 hours until I left to run errands. It took longer than I thought so I was late eating my next meal by 1 hour or so. I was starving. I did eat when I got home but by then I was a little woozy, cranky, and famished. It probably didn't help that I over exercised. I was cautioned to cut back on exercise for the first few weeks so I only did a 20 minute workout. But later I had to get to the church to do some work and walked there which took 30 minutes. Probably burned too many calories today.

To make things worse we had Bible Study and everyone started talking about pizza. Then I had to prepare a menu for our Bible Study Christmas party. We're planning real Mexican tacos (not Old Elpaso or Taco Bell) and all the sides...somehow the fish and veggies I will be eating that night pales in comparison.

About 10 pm the desire to gorge subsided and I drank alot of water. For a moment I did feel like putting this whole thing off until after the holiday but it's now or never. I was warned by my health coach that the first 3 days are the hardest. I made it through the first day. Thank you Jesus!

More tomorrow.

God Bless You Family!


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