O.K. I have 6 kids and as of this date (12/12/09) I am 44 years of age and 40 pounds over weight. I love being a mom but I do not, repeat, do not want to look like one anymore! I'm getting older but I refuse to be fat and frumpy. You Dear Reader will help keep me accountable so that I do not quit. I welcome your comments and encouragement. I've already set my feet on the road to good health. Track with me my friend...I need the company.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 47...For Ladies ONLY!!!! (Men read at your own risk)

Dear Reader,

This week has been one long hormonal trip. The days of fire and lightening are upon my house.And not just me. I have two daughter's who are a bit emotional this week as well. One who is eating homemade chocolate chip cookies. We just went shopping and had to remind each other we were going to have FUN!!! No sarcasm, no snippy words, no pity parties, just fun. Oh no! This is no week to weigh in at all.

*SIDE NOTE I do not want to hear anyone tell me today (concerning my weight loss adventure) to "Just do it." I am craving carbs. Sweet potato carbs, cookie carbs, whole wheat multigrain carbs...fried carbs, crunchy carbs, even carbs with chicken pox.

Thursday I cheated and had beans with tortilla chips and cookies. Talk about over load. My first time in many days. The cool thing is I don't feel guilty or like chucking the whole diet thing. My tendency towards perfectionism is breaking. Generally if I can't do a diet perfectly I quit. Not now. I ate what I ate and I enjoyed it. Friday I got serious again.

Today I'm considering making whole wheat pancakes for my kids breakfast tomorrow. However I think that may not be wise. At least not at this moment. I have a tendency to lie to myself and say it's for the kids. But then as the sight and smell of such tempting food fills my kitchen I black out for about 30 minutes as I partake of the forbidden fruit. So if my cravings don't pass.. peanut butter honey on whole wheat bread may have to suffice in the morning.

Anyway like I said weighing in this week is a big mistake... I am 152.2. Up a bit from last week. The fact that I have been faithful to my diet up until this Thursday, and haven't lost weight at all could be a huge downer if it weren't for the tape measure...

Upper Arms: Lost 3/4 an inch
Lower Arms: Lost 1/2 an inch
Waist: Lost 4 3/4 inches
Hips: Lost 3 1/4 inches
Upper Thigh: Lost 2 1/4 inches
Calves: Lost 1 1/8 inches Total Loss: 11 3/8 inches

So lesson learned? The weight scale is not always an accurate assessment of my progress. I am working out as a few people were kind enough to remind me and am building muscle which weighs more. It also burns more calories.

Still determined to get in the 140's by Valentines.

God bless your endeavors to live a healthy life in 2010.

P.S. Staying busy helps...as I'm writing this I'm getting hungry for my next meal but the cravings are subsiding.

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